Thursday, January 27, 2011


Today I didn't go to school. I wanted to, but my mom left me cus I slept in. Oops.
But anyway, today I walked around Westport with Courtney & got bubble tea (which she ended up giving to me. Not many people like the tapioca balls at the bottom). I got some cute pictures, but I want to go back & explore more when the weather gets nicer.

At first, Courtney couldn't find the money she got out of the bank for Tea Drops.

She got a tapioca ball in her mouth & spit it out, hahaha.

We went into Jubilee, one of my favorite jewelry stores. So cute. They have so many cute Hello Kitty necklaces.

She took a couple of me as I was trying to hop a fence. I'm so bad at it.

We found a mirror standing up against a building, so we took the opportunity.

Snapped one of me as we were walking passed a door.

2 of my favorite shots, edited in Picnik. I can't wait to get them into Photoshop.

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