Saturday, February 5, 2011

Last Summer.

I'm just now discovering some pictures I took last summer when I went to stay with my 'second family' in Texas. I've known the twins since I was a little thing. They moved away 5 years ago, but I think they're coming up for spring break so I'll finally get to see them again after about a year or so. I'm stoked.
These are just some random pictures I found & started editing with shitty Picnik.

Becca, me, Rachel. Right before I boarded the flight to go home.

Rachel touches dead sacadas. Gross.

I love the feeling of sand in between my toes. Unless it's white sand, then I get rashes.

Rachel in Nana's backyard.

Becca, Rachel, me, Jackie, Nana, & Allison went to the Kemah Boardwalk. When we were there, there was this place that had all kinds of reptiles & crap, & there was a sting ray there. Becca's watchin' the sting ray.

Rachel in the car on the way to the airport to drop me off.

Becca at the beach.

Allison checking out a toy. Hahaha.

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