Thursday, January 27, 2011


Today I didn't go to school. I wanted to, but my mom left me cus I slept in. Oops.
But anyway, today I walked around Westport with Courtney & got bubble tea (which she ended up giving to me. Not many people like the tapioca balls at the bottom). I got some cute pictures, but I want to go back & explore more when the weather gets nicer.

At first, Courtney couldn't find the money she got out of the bank for Tea Drops.

She got a tapioca ball in her mouth & spit it out, hahaha.

We went into Jubilee, one of my favorite jewelry stores. So cute. They have so many cute Hello Kitty necklaces.

She took a couple of me as I was trying to hop a fence. I'm so bad at it.

We found a mirror standing up against a building, so we took the opportunity.

Snapped one of me as we were walking passed a door.

2 of my favorite shots, edited in Picnik. I can't wait to get them into Photoshop.


I took these of Courtney as a school project.
The project was actually a Post Secrt project, which I'll post on here later. But these were just some random shots I got of her while I was shooting for the project.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Larissa got a tie-dye kit the other day, & we decided to look for some shirts to tie-dye. I don't have school today, so it's like I have all the time in the world.
I'm pretty bored, actually.

There's our adventure for the day.


Monday, January 17, 2011

rachel : senior

Rachel wanted me to take some senior-like pictures for her because she just passed her GED. I'm rusty, trust me. It shows.

The shoot ended up only being like fifteen minutes long because we were so cold.
So I'm thinking about doing Rachel's like I did Courtney's. I'm going to split her entire shoot up into seperate parts. Maybe 3.
I'll keep you posted as to when Rachel's next shoot is.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

my little sister's hair.

For some reason, my mother wanted me to take pictures of my little sister today because she got her hair done.
Larissa hates it. I don't blame her. My sister has red hair, & when you go into a hair salon, you can't just get root touch up. You need to redo the whole color so it's the same red. Well, this lady didn't do that.
Apparently, she just put more red on Larissa's roots, left the rest of her hair the brownish color it's faded to, & then put blonde highlights underneath her hair, then like two highlights (literally only two) on the top. It looks..odd. But when it's up, it's pretty.

It took so much work just to get her to smile seriously. & I don't even take her serious smile seriously. That's why I try to get her laughing.

She's sillier than anything. It's almost impossible to get a legit picture like my mom wants. Hahahaha.

& she is obsessed with hair bows & flowers. I didn't end up getting her anything for Christmas (oops), but I was going to get her a cute turquois hair flower from Forever21. She loves them.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

my senior photos.

Today I'm gonna share my ideas for my senior pictures.
I want Tom Schmidt to do my senior photos, so all of the reference photos are from him.

I want a few themes going for my senior photos. First, I want a classic shoot. Me in just some regular clothes in a regualr outdoor scene; nothing flashy or extra. Something like this...

Then, I want something dressier. I don't like being dressed up very much, but I do enjoy putting on some pretty/fancy clothes for an hour or two for a shoot. I'm thinking some things like this...

Something where the background is almost as dominant.

There aren't any photos for this next idea because I don't think he's had a client that likes photography as much as I do before, but I want some pictures with me & Hunter (my camera). Like me taking pictures of the person taking my pictures. Hahaha. How corny; maybe not that idea. But some pictures with my camera.

I also want some sunny/yellow pictures. In a lot of my pictures I mix in a yellow/nutral tint that sometimes makes my photos look like they're bathed in light. Other times it gives the photos a vintage-y look. I want something like this...

This next one doesn't have any photos either. But I want to go to Cave Springs, which is local to Raytown, put a wooden chair in the river, then sit on it. I wanna be in something flowy-ish. & I want them to have that yellowish look that a lot of my pictures have & the ones above have. It'll be cute.

Last, I want a studio look. I want some pictures taken in the actual studio with the studio lights & wind machines, like this...

Also, I want some less dramatic studio shots. Like this...

So far, these are all the boring/cliche ideas I have, hahaha. I'm sure I'll come up with more. But what makes me the most excites is that I can just see in my mind the excitement these people had on their faces when they saw how well their images turned out.
I can't wait until I get to shoot mine & then have that look on my very own face. I love Tom Schmidt's work.