Saturday, March 13, 2010

more remeniscing until Bennison gets fixed.
i'm taking it in to bestbuy to get it fixed on the warranty after work today. 12-8. 8 hours on my feet in shoes that give me blisters. not looking forward to it. 15 total hours this weekend.

my little sister went to homecoming this year. she hated these pictures, but she hates 99.9% of pictures of herself, so i've gotten over that.

we hit many small towns on our way to kirksville, & unionville is one of them. the next time i go up there i'll take more pictures, but these are the only ones i have. unionville is very..unique.

one of the houses.

the church in unionville.

the next time i go through unionville i'll take more pictures. the town reminds me of a town that could be on house of wax or some scary movie like that.


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