Wednesday, March 31, 2010


bennison, my old camera, died. just straight up died. crashed like a computer.
so i went without a camera for about two weeks, & when my mom went to best buy to check on my camera, they told her that they were just going to give me a new camera becasue they have no idea what's wrong with it.
so i named my new camera hunter, & he's beautiful. so clean. the lens is soo clean! i can't remember bennison's being that clean. i took just terrible care of in peace..
but anyway, my mom's car broke down today, too, so she had to go get a rental. a ford focus. it's so cute.

it's red. i love it. it's too bad i can't keep it forever.

& this is the box that hunter came in(: so i'll be updating this more from now on because i have hunter to take pictures with! finally! (:


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