Wednesday, March 31, 2010


bennison, my old camera, died. just straight up died. crashed like a computer.
so i went without a camera for about two weeks, & when my mom went to best buy to check on my camera, they told her that they were just going to give me a new camera becasue they have no idea what's wrong with it.
so i named my new camera hunter, & he's beautiful. so clean. the lens is soo clean! i can't remember bennison's being that clean. i took just terrible care of in peace..
but anyway, my mom's car broke down today, too, so she had to go get a rental. a ford focus. it's so cute.

it's red. i love it. it's too bad i can't keep it forever.

& this is the box that hunter came in(: so i'll be updating this more from now on because i have hunter to take pictures with! finally! (:


Friday, March 19, 2010

Invisible Children Benefit

if you're in the kansas city/lee's summit/independence/etc. area, this is for you.
i encourage you to go to the invisible children benefit show, to raise money for the horrors & atrocities going on in Uganda & all over Africa. It's only $6 at the door at Lakeland Community Church in Lee's Summit.
The music ranges from metal to indie, so there will be something for everyone.
I hope to see you there!
(& yes, i know i spelled invisible wrong. :/ )

Thursday, March 18, 2010

just some shots i got at school. i think it was for a human landscapes project, but these definitely aren't human landscapes. & i had to use the cameras at the school, which i HATE with a burning passion. they are pieces of SHIT. & i can't wait for my camera to get fixed so i can start turning in acutally good projects.

bre shooting haley & dalia.

haley & dalia. haley could not stop laughing.

haley. definitely in the top five prettiest girls i know.

dalia. she's so gorgeous. i love taking pictures of her. i've only taken pictures of her once outside of school. but that'll change as soon as i get my camera back from the doctor's.

jeron. everyone calls him bubba. he's ridiculous, but you can't help but love him.

more school on the way.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

this is pretty much an overview of the important things that happened in the last year. it's definitely not complete & really, really vague. but still. they're pictures & memories.
& my camera is coming back in about a week & a half. it'll be all fixed & cleaned :)

went to texas for about two weeks to visit my other family. we went to the kemah boardwalk. it was amazing.

had a delicious ice cream cake for my birthday. before me & my boyfriend got together, we were hanging out with some of our friends & we all gave eachother nicknames. mine was elmo, which was on my cake; jake's was burrito, cus he's Mexican; john's was sunshine, because he's blonde; caleb was earthquake, because he's big; mason was sharpie, because his last name is sharp; & then this other kid that was there was named pothead, because he's a pothead. they all were, so i'm not sure how they chose him to give that nickname to.

played with marissa's kitty, meduse. i miss that kitty.

we had a red velvet cake for my mother's boyfriend's birthday.

my cousin, brent. we were at longhorn for my mother's boyfriend's birthday.

winter in kansas city. it was the second or third worst that i remember.

christmas. the one time of the year that i see my baby cousin, libby. she was two this christmas.

homecoming. i took lots of pictures of pretty people. the dance wasn't all that. so after about half an hour, jake, josh, gabe, aaron & me went to aaron's house for the night. better than any dance.

thanksgiving. thanksgiving always lasts at least seven hours at my grandparents'. & it's always delicious.

i can't wait for my camera to come back so i can start taking more pictures.
