Sunday, December 12, 2010

it's been a long time.

six months to be exact.
my thoughts have been bottled up for six months. & i haven't been expressing them in pictures, either. i need to start doing more personal work. i can't even remember the last time i went on a shoot just for my own satisfaction and ideas.
but here is what i have remembered.

i've been to visit the horses on courtney's farm with courtney & emily.

i've watched six months of sunsets faithfully.

i've taken courtney's senior photos.

i've visited my dad in the hospital.

i've seen my little sister larissa & her best friend mckenzie as zombies for halloween.

i've seen my boyfriend make friends with a kangaroo, who i named jack.

i've seen the zoo 3 more times, which brings my grand total to well over 20 times.

i've seen autumn slowly creep in.

i've seen it come over columbia, home of the mizzou tigers.

i haven't done much, but i've done enough to fill up six months.
& i'll keep doing more to fill you in.


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