Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Story Update

This is the part where no pictures are involved.
This is the part where it's just me speaking to no one but maybe one person who may or may not stumble upon this. It's not like I would ever know.
My life has taken a few unexpected turns & a few expected ones. As expected, I turned nineteen on the tenth of November. Unexpectedly, my boyfriend of two & a half years are no longer together. There are many different sides to this story, but the only one that matters is the side that shows that I am no longer capable of caring. Not just for this, but for damn near everything.
What's even more disturbing is that I don't mind.
Though, I have been getting persistent urges to shoot again.
I haven't lost faith in beauty.
& I feel like THAT is what truly matters in the end.

I haven't lost my perspective completely.
I haven't lost myself.

Pictures to come.
