Saturday, April 10, 2010

beard brushing.

i had to take some pictures of jake brushing his beard. it was just too funny to me at the time.

we're going to the zoo tomorrow for our one year anniversary! i'm going to get so amaaaazing shots.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


every easter (every major holiday, actually) i go over to my grandparents' house. only for the past two years has libby been there, because she's only two years old.
i love taking pictures of her. & i got to leave my grandparents' early because jake took my back home, which was good. we usually stay there, no lie, a minimum of 7 hours. i'm so tired by the time we leave.
so this was good.

jake was there. that's the best part :)

mother & daughter(:

libby went on a easter egg hunt in the house. danielle kept having to kick them into even plainer sight for her, haha.

we did a lot of coloring. i freakin love coloring(:

i'm so thankful for hunter :)


Friday, April 2, 2010

hunter ii.

i'm so glad i have a working camera now. it's made my life so much better.
my photography class went on a photo walk & we could only take one picture, so this was mine:

just a plant.
i couldn't find anything to photograph. then i took some pictures of my classmates for myself(:

coming back from our photo walk in photography. let's see, there's krissy, dalia, alisha, ruth, alex, hanna, mrs. nevinski, haley & cameron in there.

dalia & cameron.

alisha & brittany. they're doing the exact same thing, which makes me love this picture.

the precious dalia. she never lets me take her picture because she thinks she doesn't look good. but, really, it's impossible for dalia to not look good.
i wish she knew that.

haley, cameron, hanna & courtney.

cameron & haley(:

i forgot what cameron was doing here.

my first shoot was with bryce & courtney, plus sahricka. bryce & courtney aren't dating, but i thought they look good together so i had them do a shoot(:

miss sahricka(:
pronounced suh-ree-kuh.

& my jacob was at the shoot too with his dog, dozer. i love them both(: it'll be jake & my one year anniversary on the 11th! i'm so excited about it. i think i'm going to do a shoot to celebrate.

i'll be taking pictures every day from now on, now that i have hunter(:
